PRB Wall

General Location: Baltimore, MD
Abscope Installed a Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB) wall adjacent to the Patapsco River near the inner harbor of Baltimore, MD. The PRB wall was installed to treat both arsenic contamination from a former pesticide manufacturing facility as well as hexavalent chromium residue from dumping operation related to a former manufacturing plant in the Region.
Abscope’s responsibilities:
- Steel sheet pile was driven with ABI rig to a depth of 45’ below grade to create a cofferdam
- Vibration monitoring was performed daily due to the close proximity of an elevated highway
- Contaminated soil was excavated to 18’ BG underwater–
- To maintain support on the sheeting cell and limit the amount of contaminated water generated
- The soil was loaded onto treatment pad and drying boxes for offsite shipment
- A 5’ thick concrete plug was poured underwater to seal the bottom of the excavation and the cell was dewatered to facilitate the PRB wall install
- After the cell was dewatered stainless steel cages were installed and the treatment medial was installed